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Die Besluit
Ursula Nafula
Vusi Malindi
Willemien Wannberg
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My dorpie het baie probleme gehad. Ons het in ‘n lang ry gestaan om van een kraan af water te kry.
My village had many problems.
We made a long line to fetch water from one tap.
Mu mushi wandi mwali amafya ayengi. Twalitantame umulongo pakuti twingatapa ameenshi kuli pompi umo.
Ons het gewag vir ander om kos te skenk.
We waited for food donated by others.
Twaleeloleela ifyakulya ifyakupeelwa ukufuma ku bantu bambi.
Ons het vroeg reeds ons huise gesluit teen diewe.
We locked our houses early because of thieves.
Twaleekoma amayanda yesu bwangu pa mulandu wa bapuupu.
‘n Klomp kinders het die skool vroeg verlaat.
Many children dropped out of school.
Abaana abengi balilekele isukulu.
Jong meisies het as huishulpe in ander dorpies gewerk.
Young girls worked as maids in other villages.
Utukashana twaleebomba incito ya kuwamya mu mayanda mu mishi imbi.
Jong seuns het in die dorpie rondgeloop terwyl ander op plase gaan werk het.
Young boys roamed around the village while others worked on people’s farms.
Utulumenda twaleyangala mu mushi ninshi bambi baleebombela mu mabala.
Wanneer die wind gewaai het, het afvalpapier aan die bome en heinings gehang.
When the wind blew, waste paper hung on trees and fences.
Umwela nga wapuupa, ifipepala bapoosa fyalesama ku miti na ku malinga.
Mense is deur glas wat onverskillig neergegooi is, gesny.
People were cut by broken glass that was thrown carelessly.
Abantu baleicena ku mabotolo ayatobeka ayaleeposwa iciposweposwe.
Eendag, het die kraan leeg geloop en ons houers was leeg.
Then one day, the tap dried up and our containers were empty.
Ubushiku bumo, ameenshi yapwa kupompi ne fipe fyesu tafyakwete ameenshi.
My pa het van huis tot huis geloop om mense na ‘n dorpsvergadering toe te nooi.
My father walked from house to house asking people to attend a village meeting.
Bataata baile cila ŋanda mukuwita abantu ukwisasangwa ku cilye ca mushi.
Die mense het onder ‘n groot boom bymekaargekom en geluister.
People gathered under a big tree and listened.
Abantu baishileikala mwisamba lya muti no kukutika.
My pa het opgestaan en gesê: “Ons moet saamwerk om ons probleme op te los”.
My father stood up and said, “We need to work together to solve our problems.”
Bataata epakwima abati, “Tufwile ukubombela pamo pakuti tupwishe amafya yesu.”
Die agt-jarige Juma het op ‘n boomstomp gesit en geskree: “Ek kan help om op te ruim.”
Eight-year-old Juma, sitting on a tree trunk shouted, “I can help with cleaning up.”
Umwana wamyaka cine-konse-konse uweshina lya Juma, uwaikele pa mulando abilikisha ati, “Kuti nabombako umulimo wa kuwamya.”
‘n Vrou het gesê: “Die vrouens kan my help om groente te kweek vir kos.”
One woman said, “The women can join me to grow food.”
Namaayo umo ati, “Banamaayo kuti twabombela pamo ukulima ifyakulya.”
‘n Ander man het opgestaan en gesê: “Die mans kan ‘n put grawe.”
Another man stood up and said, “The men will dig a well.”
Shitaata umbi aiminina ati, “Bashitaata bakemba icishima.”
Ons almal het saam geskree: “Ons moet ons lewens verander.” Van daardie dag af het ons almal saamgewerk om ons probleme op te los.
We all shouted with one voice, “We must change our lives.”
From that day we worked together to solve our problems.
Bonse twapundila pamo atuti, “Tufwile ukwalula imikalile yesu.” Ukufuma bulya bushiku twabombele pamo mukupwisha amafya yesu.
Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Willemien Wannberg