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Zama ndi wamkulu Zama is great! Zama Alicenjela!

Written by Michael Oguttu

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Jessy Sakala

Read by Christine Mwanza

Language Nyanja

Level Level 2

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M’ngono wanga amacedwa kugona. Ndimauka m’mamawa cifukwa ndine wamkulu!

My little brother sleeps very late. I wake early, because I am great!

Kandume yandi takabuuka bwangu. Ine ndabuuka bwangu pantu nalicenjela!

Ndine ndimalowetsa dzuwa.

I am the one who lets in the sun.

Nine njingisha akasuba mu ŋanda.

“Ndiwe nthanda yanga yam’mawa,” amatero amai.

“You’re my morning star,” says Ma.

Bamaayo batiila, “Uli lutanda lwandi ulwakumacaca.”

Ndimasamba ndekha masiku onse, sindifunanso thandizo iriyonse.

I wash myself, I don’t need any help.

Ndaisamba, nshifwaya wakungafwilisha.

Ndingasambe ndi madzi odzidzira, ndi sopo wamtambo onunkhira.

I can cope with cold water and blue smelly soap.

Nshitiina ameenshi ayatalala nangu sopo yanunka iyamakumbi-makumbi.

Amai amandikumbutsa,”osayiwala kutsuka mano.” Ndimawayanka kuti “ine ai, sindingaiwale ai!”

Ma reminds, “Don’t forget teeth.” I reply, “Never, not me!”

Bamaayo balanjibukishako abati, “Wilaba ameeno.” Na ine nayasuka nati, “Teeti ndabe ameeno.”

Ndikasiriza kusamba, ndimapatsa moni agogo amuna ndi alongo a atate anga. Ndimawafunira tsiku labwino.

After washing, I greet Grandpa and Auntie, and wish them a good day.

Panuma yakusamba, ndaposha bamaama na bamaayo-senge, no kubashalikapo bwino.

Kenaka ndimabvala ndekha. “Ndine wamkulu tsopano amama,” ndimanena.

Then I dress myself, “I’m big now Ma,” I say.

Elyo panuma naifwika naati, “Ndi mukalamba nomba maayo.”

Ndimanga mabatani komanso nthambo za nsapato ndekha.

I can close my buttons and buckle my shoes.

Ndamanga amabatani no kukaka intambo shapa nsapato.

Ndimayesetsa kuti mbale wanga adziwe nkhani zonse za kusukulu.

And I make sure little brother knows all the school news.

Nshilaba ukweba kandume yandi ificitika ku sukulu.

Mukalasi ndimacita zonse zothekera munjira iriyonse.

In class I do my best in every way.

Mu kalashi ndabombesha munshila shonse.

Ndimacita zabwino zonsezi tsiku ndi tsiku. Koma cimene ndikondetsetsa kwambiri ndi kusowera!

I do all these good things every day. But the thing I like most, is to play and play!

Ncita fyonse ifi fisuma cila bushiku. Nomba icikulu ico natemwisha, kwangala.

Written by: Michael Oguttu
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Jessy Sakala
Read by: Christine Mwanza
Language: Nyanja
Level: Level 2
Source: Zama is great! from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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